Dr. Elias Ursitti

Associate Professor

Elias Ursitti, PsyD, is an associate professor of Strategic Leadership at the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, National Defense University. Prior to joining the faculty in 2023, Dr. Ursitti worked as a Leadership Psychologist and Executive Coach supporting a variety of federal agencies to include Command University at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard.

Elias began his professional career as an Army Engineer officer with various command and staff assignments and deployments. His military career included a variety of broadening experiences to include the Olmsted Scholarship in St. Petersburg, Russia; Exchange officer with the Swiss Military Academy in Zurich; Chief of the Chemical Weapons Destruction Support Office in Moscow, Russia; Plans Officer with the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (NRDC-T) in Istanbul, Turkey; and Chief of Staff of the NATO Military Liaison Mission in Moscow, Russia. After retiring from the Army, Elias taught at the United States Air Force Academy.

Elias earned his Doctorate in Leadership Psychology (PsyD) from William James College. He holds an M.A. in European Affairs from the St. Petersburg State University in Russia and an M.S. in Engineering Management from the University of Missouri—Rolla. Elias is a graduate of the United States Military Academy with a B.S. in Economics.

Elias became a Certified Leadership Coach at Georgetown’s School for Continuing Studies, and he holds the Professionally Certified Coach (PCC) credential with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Elias is proficient in Russian and German and enjoys following foreign news sources.