Rob Garverick recently returned to the Washington, DC, area from New Delhi, India, where he served for three years as the Minister-Counselor for Economic, Environment, Science and Technology Affairs at the U.S. Embassy. Prior to that, Rob was Economic Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, and Political-Economic Counselor at the American Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan. Previously, he also worked overseas in Kyiv, Ukraine, Moscow, Russia, Oslo, Norway, and Hong Kong.
In Washington, Rob advised the Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment and worked in the Office of Monetary Affairs Energy Producers Affairs Office within the Bureau of Economic Affairs.
Rob graduated the National War College, National Defense University, in 2014, with a focus on Middle East studies. He is also a graduate of the
George Washington University and Kent State University. In February 2016, Rob was confirmed by the U.S. Senate for promotion into the Senior Foreign Service. He is married and has two daughters. Although he and his family have lived for many years in Northern Virginia, Rob will always consider Ohio his home