Information for Inbound Faculty

The information below is intended to get you to the NDU campus and through to your first day of class on time and enabled for strategic thinking. The student handbook has more detailed information about all subjects and is available below.

It's extremely important that you take actions for Pre-Registration prior to your arrival at the Eisenhower School (see links below):

Information on this website is likely to change as dates and processes are confirmed. Please check back regularly for Eisenhower School specific information. You should receive a welcome packet which has the most information for your initial preparations.

If you haven't received a packet yet, please contact your Agency or Service Chair at the Eisenhower School, or one of the following NDU POCs:
  • Army: COMM (202) 685-2140 or DSN 325-2140
  • Air Force: COMM (202) 685-2138 or DSN 325-2138
  • Sea Services: COMM (202) 685-4006 or DSN 325-4006
  • Civilians: NDU Human Resources Directorate: (202) 685-2147/2650 or DSN 325-2147/2650
Arrival, In-Processing and First Days
  • The Eisenhower School is located at Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C., in Eisenhower Hall (Building 59).
  • Parking is available in the south side lot between Eisenhower Hall (Building 59) and the NWC (Building 61). Parking is also available on some of the surrounding streets. Parking spaces in front of the building are generally reserved for guests.
  • Eisenhower Hall is a secured building. If you are visiting, you will need to work with your host to enter and exit the building.
  • Students shall report to Eisenhower Hall, Room 107 (first floor), between 0700-0815, for room assignments.
  • If your assignment includes being a faculty leader, you will be assigned to a seminar group consisting of about 16 students. Seminar groups will meet regularly in a particular study room, and have an assigned set of rooms for individual study.
  • Minimal hardcopy course materials and readings will be supplied to each student in their study room. Most academic material will be supplied in digital formats.
  • Each seminar group will have access to CAC-enabled NDU computing devices which will allow for the completion of official digitally signed required documents and other administrative tasks.
  • The first morning will be filled with various introductions and welcoming activities in Eisenhower Hall. The afternoon is scheduled for student academic in-processing with NDU. This will be done alphabetically throughout the day.
  • DoD faculty must ensure that a traveler's profile is released in the DTS prior to departure from their last/parent organization.
  • Faculty will need to submit a copy of their current immunization records to the NDU Health and Fitness Office.
  • Light fare (vending machines) and service amenities (microwave/refrigerator/locker rooms) are available in Eisenhower Hall. A cafeteria is available in Lincoln Hall (Building 64) next door.