Dr. Phillip A. Karber 


Dr. Phillip A. Karber is a native California, adopted from an orphanage in Hollywood,

by an elderly couple and fortunate to grow up in the High Sierras where he discovered a life-long joy in outdoor & equestrian sports and was one of the youngest Eagle Scouts in the State.

He graduate of Pepperdine University, received his PhD from Georgetown University specializing in International Aviation Law; and holds advanced certificates from Harvard’s Kennedy School as well as from Wharton & Harvard Business Schools.

Karber began his professional career as an on-camera television reporter for a CBS affiliate. Following service in the US Marine Corps, he was brought to Washington by Admiral Arleigh Burke to serve as National Security Assistant on the Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. In 1974 Karber was named Director of the Presidentially mandated National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 186 -- the National Security Council inter-agency evaluation of US-Soviet multipurpose forces.

In 1981 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger recruited Karber to serve as “Strategy Advisor” -- reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. One of the major efforts was The SCDC orchestrated Proud Prophet -- one of the largest joint tests of US war plans and the only combat simulation in which any Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has ever directly participated. The SCDC was co-located in the Pentagon and in the Roosevelt Hall at National Defense University, ultimately morphing into NDU’s “Center for Strategic Research.”

During academic year 1982-83, Karber taught “Strategy” at the National War College. Between 1977-2019, Karber served as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.

He returned to his executive position at BDM Corps while taking GOV assignment in later half of 1980s Karber:

-- Served as Arms Control advisor to the Chairmen of both House & Senate Armed Services Committees:

-- Testified numerous times before the US Congress and before Parliamentary Committees of 11 Allied Governments;

-- At request of Secretary of State, conducted a highly sensitive “special project” for the President;

-- At end of Cold War, served as external advisor to: British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher; Secretary General of NATO Manfred Worner; and CEO of Ford Motor, Red Poling.

At the end of the Cold War, Karber undertook series of international “special” projects for the U.S. GOV:

— Organized & ran a special team for the U.S. Government that acquired sensitive Soviet military technology; — Recruited, trained and delivered the Free Kuwait Army (4 battalions) in support of “Desert Storm;” and,

— Implemented the only interviews ever done with top Soviet generals on their Cold War “lessons.”

Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci named Karber to the U.S. Delegation to the Quadripartite (US, Russia, China and Japan) talks on Security in Asia; he was asked to lecture on “Competitive Strategy” at the PLA Defense University ; and, at request of the PLA Vice Chief

of Staff, spent 3 years demonstrating Transponder based Air Traffic Control throughout China under direction of U.S. DoD.

In private industry, Karber served as an executive with the BDM Corporation, an international engineering & technology services firm (now part of Northrop Corporation) where, in his last position as Group Vice President, he headed the International Division managing 6,000 overseas employees in 23 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Mid-East. Between 1997 and 2004 Karber served as Chairman of the Board of JFK International Air Terminal, in its time, the largest privatized airport reconstruction in the world.

Karber helped found The Potomac Foundation (TPF), a non-profit endowment supporting Security research relate and was name its 3rd President in 2011. Unlike other “think tanks,” TPF specializes in assessing security issues “on-site” as well as direct observation in combat zones – including S.E. Asia, Central America, Mid East & Eastern Europe.

At the request of the Ukrainian Government, working “pro-bono,” since 2013 Karber has made 45 trips to Ukraine, including spending 199 days in the combat zone with front-line units -- submitting reports directly to NATO SACEUR, OSD, State, NSC & Congress. Wounded under fire in 2015 and seriously injured at the Front in FEB 2024, he is the recipient of numerous Ukrainian awards and several medals for bravery, operations behind the lines & building bridges for Ukrainian defense industry with its Western counterparts..

His reports & briefings have been given to commanders & units of all the U.S., Services as well as the National Security Council, Pentagon, State Department, and relevant Congressional Committees.

The UN commissioned Karber to personally prepare & present the report on “Russian Militarization of Crimea” in 2021, and, at request Secretary General in 2022 presented “Ukraine Military Requirements for Counter-Offensive to Regain Sovereignty,” at NATO HQ. This year he presented a new report in six NATO Capitals & in Brussels on: “Quo Vadis: Where Goest Ukraine & NATO Strategy,” as a preparatory document for the upcoming 2024 Alliance Ministerial.

Karber's military writings have appeared in two dozen books and more than 40 articles, 3 monographys and editor of two books.

A polo player whose teams have won national championships, he was also Governor of the US Polo Association, trustee of the Great Meadow steeplechase and for a decade, Captain of the “Horse Marines” Polo Team – veteran players raising funds to support therapeutic riding for injured warriors.

Since 1977, Karber has resided in Great Falls, Virginia and is the father of 6 children, with 10 grandchildren & 2 great-grand-ladies.