Col Ian D. Stevens

Military Instructor

Colonel Stevens earned his Naval Aviator Wings in February, 2001. Trained as a CH-53E Super Stallion pilot, Colonel Stevens deployed to Djbouti on the 11th MEU, to Al Asad in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM I and III, and to Afghanistan in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM 10.1 and 11.2. As a Forward Air Controller, Colonel Stevens deployed with the 13th MEU, conducting combat operations in Husayba and Karabilah, Iraq. From May 2017 to January 2019, Colonel Stevens commanded Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462, and deployed with them to Okinawa, Japan.

In the supporting establishment, Colonel Stevens served as a Primary Flight School Instructor at Marine Air Training Support Group 22, the Rotary Wing Major’s Monitor at Manpower Management Division, and as the Occupational Field Sponsor for Rotary Wing Aviators at HQMC Aviation. In 2019 Colonel Stevens served as the Senior Aide to the 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps. Returning to the Marsh Center in 2020, Colonel Stevens served as the Aviation Colonel’s Monitor, and then as the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Commandant of Manpower and Reserve Affairs until his current assignment to the Eisenhower School in 2024.

Colonel Stevens’ education includes a Bachelor of Science from the United States Naval Academy in Aerospace Engineering, a Master of Science in Global Leadership from the University of San Diego, and a Master of Science in National Security Strategy from the National War College