Commander Brown received his commission through the NROTC program at The Citadel – The Military College of South Carolina (Bachelor of Science, Physics).
He holds a master's in Management from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and an additional master's degree in National Security and Resource Strategy from The Eisenhower School at the National Defense University.
Afloat he has served onboard the fast-attack submarine, USS TOPEKA (SSN 754), and the aircraft carrier, USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65).
Ashore served as the Integrated Logistics Support Officer for Commander, Submarine Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) and as the Fleet Customer Service Officer for the Director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Plant Material - Supply Chain Management, NAVSUP Weapon System Support (formerly NAVICP) in Mechanicsburg, PA.
His overseas assignments include Director, Industrial Support - Ship Repair Facility/Joint Regional Maintenance Center, and Supply Officer for Submarine Group SEVEN, Yokosuka, Japan. He also completed an Individual Augmentation tour with CJTF-Horn of Africa with duties as the Logistics Support officer in support of Joint Operations in Kenya.
CDR Brown completed his Joint Qualification assignment at the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), the Army transportation component Command to the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) at Scott AFB, IL. Dual-hatted as the Chief of Functional IT systems development and the Chief of the Cybersecurity Mission Assurance Cell, he was the Command lead for recovery efforts during the 2017 'NotPetya' cyber incident against Maersk, a top-tier commercial transportation provider of the DOD.
CDR Brown’s most recent deployment in 2017-2018 was to the USCENTCOM area of operations where he served as the Director of Logistics for the Navy-Marine Corps integrated Task Force (JTF-capable) - TF 51/5 (CTF -51 / 5th MEB). He led theater logistics support to all theater afloat ARG/MEU units and the SPMAGTF-Crisis Response-CENTCOM teams supporting combat operations during this period.
He is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the National Defense University. Having completed a 3-year assignment at the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk as a JPME II instructor with the Joint and Combined Warfighting School. His current NDU assignment is to the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security & Resource Strategy
His personal decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), Joint Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (5 awards), and the Navy Achievement Medal (3 awards). He is a qualified Joint Staff Officer (JQO) and qualified Submarine Supply Corps Officer, and Naval Aviation Supply Officer.
Complementing his active duty military service, CDR Brown spent time in the Naval Reserves (2000 to 2006). During this time, he worked in the private sector as a product support engineer in the semiconductor industry for Applied Materials Corp. (NASDAQ: AMAT)