
The Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (formerly the Industrial College of the Armed Forces) is one of five colleges within the National Defense University in Washington, DC.  A U.S. Department of Defense Senior Service College, the Eisenhower School prepares military officers and civilians for strategic leadership and success in developing national security strategy and in evaluating, marshalling, and managing resources in the execution of that strategy. 

The Eisenhower School attains its mission through a 10-month in-residence program leading to a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy.  The curriculum emphasizes the resource component of national security, with courses on national security studies, strategic leadership, economics, acquisition and innovation, international business environments, and industry. The pinnacle of the Eisenhower School experience is the national security-related Industry Studies program.  The program consists of courses in industry analysis and an industry studies course that analyzes and assesses the health of 18 separate industry sectors.  This program develops the student’s strategic perspective on the ability and role of the U.S. and global industrial base in supporting the capability requirements of national security along with the impact of government policy on that industry.

The Eisenhower School was founded in 1924 as the Army Industrial College to remedy the severe mobilization difficulties suffered by the U.S. during World War I.  Bernard M. Baruch, Chairman of the War Industries Board, is regarded as one of its founding fathers.  Mr. Baruch envisioned an engaged Private Sector to achieve his vision – “to have a little school…to preserve experience, keep in touch with industry” and better focus on wartime procurement and mobilization procedures.  The Eisenhower School depends on that Private Sector for its success.

Opportunities for Private Sector engagement include attending lectures by business executives, providing company site visits for students, joining the faculty as Professors of Practice, and sending emerging business executives to participate with the 300 senior military and government civilian students as a Private Sector Fellow.

The Private Sector Fellows Program:

  • Develops leaders who will understand the need for a healthy defense industrial base and promote national security innovation.
  • Prepares leaders who develop successful national security strategy to evaluate, marshal, and manage resources in the execution of that strategy.
  • Enhances industry and government relationships to improve the security of the United States and our allied partners.
  • Provides an internationally recognized gathering place for thought leadership in the resource component of national security strategy.